How can sleep help you live a longer and healthier life?

You might have heard about all the bad things that can happen if you don’t get enough quality sleep. From chronic ailments to long-term diseases, it’s enough to prompt you to think about the excellent benefits of a good night’s sleep. Following are some of the great sleep benefits in your life: Sleep helps you maintain a healthy weight: good quality sleep is directly linked to your hormonal activity that is connected to your appetite as well. Sleep helps you live longer: better sleep can avoid many diseases and life-long ailments. Hence, it’s not wrong if we say that sleep can be your first and best defense against a slew of conditions. Sleep helps you fight depression: Sleep and depression are complicatedly related. Lack of sleep or sleep problems contribute to depressive disorders and depression can cause depression. According to experts, people who sleep well have less chance of developing insomnia. Sleep helps you manage stressful situations: Hu...